Fit for Life Program Application
Sustainable Nutrition, Elevated Mindset, Learn How to Manifest Your Dream Body and Dream Life
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Name (First and Last) *
Email *
Phone Number *
Address with City and State *
Instagram Handle *
Time Zone: *
Your Current Age: *
What is your profession? *
How did you hear about Angelica Ventrice's programs? *
Please provide name of referral
What are your health, fitness, and life goals for the next 6-12 months? How do you want to FEEL? Be SPECIFIC please. *
Why is NOW the time you have decided to work on these goals? *
Why do you want to work with Angelica and her team? *
How is your current progress? *
How long have you been stuck in your journey? *
What has been your biggest STRUGGLE in trying to achieve these goals? *
Have you ever partaken in other health or fitness programs/protocols? *
If yes to the answer above, what type of program was it and how did it go?
Our Fit for Life Program is focused on ensuring you receive a permanent transformation. You will learn how to maintain your fitness, nutrition & a powerful mindset for the rest of your LIFE.

That being said, if we’re an "All in Yes" to work together, are you currently at a point in your life where you are able & willing to invest in yourself mentally, physically,  emotionally, and financially?

Which statement best describes you?
If you are NOT the sole financial decision maker, is there anyone else you would need to bring on our call to be able to invest at that time? *
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