SCDA Student Evaluation- Tell us about YOUR student (one form/student)
The SCDA tracks the progress of new drivers. This form allows the Instructor to give feedback to the SCDA about their most recent Students. Submit a 2nd form if you had multiple students.)
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Email *
Instructor First Name: *
Instructor Last Name: *
Student First Name: *
Student Last Name: *
Student's Car:
Date of the Event: *
Racetrack: *
Method of Instruction: *
Student Feedback
Was the student present and engaged for post session debriefs? *
Did not attend
Was completely engaged
Exhibit a positive attitude about learning and take feedback well? *
Doesn't take instruction well
Takes feedback well and demonstrates improvement
Understand, see, and obey flags? *
Needs work
Alert and aware
Use the proper point-by process? *
Needs work, potentially unsafe
Alert and Aware and always gives and takes proper point bys
Able to maintain a speed that was safe and reasonable? *
Slow, potentially unsafe
Safely up to speed
Consistently Turns in at the correct place? *
Very Inconsistent
On point every time
Consistently Apexes at the correct place? *
Very Inconsistent
On point every time
Consistently Tracks out to the correct place? *
Very Inconsistent
On point every time
Throttle Application and Control *
Very Inconsistent and rough
Very Smooth and consistent
Brake Application and Control *
Very Inconsistent and rough
Very Smooth and consistent
Student Drives the line consistently and properly
Very Inconsistent
Very Consistent
Clear selection
Should this student be given the chance to move up to Intermediate 1 and begin to drive solo? *
How likely is the student to return to SCDA? *
Did not enjoy it at all, not likely to return
Student is 100% likely to return to SCDA
Other comments about your student or anything we can do to make it better for you as an instructor?
The SCDA values the hard work of all its instructors and appreciates any and all feedback.  Thank you for your help in making dreams come true for new drivers.
2024 SCDA Schedule
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