This form is obsolete! Sign up for Fall here:
****Please fill out one form for EVERY SESSION that will occur****
                             Have 3 classes? Fill out 3 forms!

*For families, parents should fill out this form.*

* You must be 18 or older to fill out this form*

* On average, you will get a match within one week*

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Email *
Confirm primary e-mail address *
What is your full name? *
Some school district spam filters prevent us from contacting you. Please provide a second e-mail address. *
Please type your secondary e-mail address again *
Phone number (optional)
What school or group are you associated with? (E.g. "Armstrong middle school" or "Girl scout troop 4156" or "My family") *
If you do NOT live in the USA, what country do you live in?
What City are you located in? *
If you live in the USA, what State are you located in? *
What time zone are you in? *
Group meeting time
Only fill out each time slot that your class is available on each day of the week. LEAVE BLANK if your class cannot meet on a certain day of the week

IF you have a variable schedule, that's totally ok, just put a sample week in here.
Monday start time (to the nearest hour, Military format)
Tuesday start time (to the nearest hour, Military format)
Wednesday start time (to the nearest hour, Military format)
Thursday start time (to the nearest hour, Military format)
Friday start time (to the nearest hour, Military format)
Saturday start time (to the nearest hour, Military format)
Sunday start time (to the nearest hour, Military format)
What types of scientist would be most appropriate for your group? (We can't promise you will get your top pick, but if you really want a specific type, choose ONLY that type) *
What age group/grade are you working with? *
Does your group have more than 50% of a historically excluded group in science? We will try to match classrooms with marginalized students with scientists from the same group.
Will your session need to be conducted in a language other than English? If so, please mark here.
Clear selection
Does your school, group or organization have a formal religious or faith affiliation? *
[If yes to above] What faith or faith(s) is your school, group or organization affiliated with?
Use this box to request a specific scientist. All available scientists are listed here: Copy the scientist's name that you want to request.  Writing anything in this box may result in getting a delayed match.
If you have a second choice for a specific scientist, please write their name here
How did you hear about the program? *
Please click any of the following that apply to your group *
Is there anything you would want the scientist to know about your class, group or organization that would help them prepare for the session?
Would you like to opt in to reminders after you get a match? *
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