Green New Deal for Boston Public Schools: Long Term Facilities Plan Webinar
Dear Boston Public Schools Community,

The Green New Deal for BPS Open House scheduled for Saturday, September 16, 2023 has been CANCELED due to Hurricane Lee, which is forecasted to impact the Boston area on Saturday. We make this decision in the interest of safety for everyone in the BPS community.

We are working to share materials from the Open House online, and over the course of the coming months, we will also be holding several community workshops to continue to develop the decision-making rubric with your partnership. We will be in touch soon to share more information about how to participate and share your feedback.

Until then, please feel free to get in touch with any additional questions by emailing We are sorry that we won’t see you this weekend, and we hope you and your family stay safe.


Delavern Stanislaus
Chief of Capital Planning
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