TKE Dungeons and Dragons sign-up form 2024 Fall Season

IDungeons and Dragons is a fun and interactive community storytelling experience for all ages. It is a team of adventurers immersed in a fantasy world, typically set out on a task as a group. The groups work together to develop their improvisational creativity, time & resource management, organizational & social-emotional skills, critical thinking & conflict resolution to overcome fun, diverse challenges in a safe, inclusive environment! (Or if you just like to roll clickety-clack math rocks for fun)

If you have multiple teens, want to sign up your teen and yourself, or 2 adults please complete separate forms for accurate record keeping. With our Referral Program, for every person you refer to TKE that signs up for D&D, you get 10% off your rate this season for each person referred. So, if you can convince 3 friends/classmates/strangers to join, that's 30% off!! Share our TKE D&D flyer from Facebook (or attached to this sign-up form email) with your friends and on socials for big savings!

 See the info below: Each campaign has different dates and locations. Please review the dates to ensure they work for you. 

**Please note, if your teen is new to D&D they MUST go through the Beginner session as our other groups are for our Veteran players. We can attempt to make exceptions on a case-by-case basis, but please keep in mind that we are catering an experience for all members involved.

 If there are any conflicts where you might miss 1-3 sessions max, please indicate in the comment section and an TKE admin will contact you about accommodations. Registration is complete once the invoice is paid. Session format: 4-6 players per group 10 sessions = 50 hours of game play across 17 weeks Orientation and character creation day.

Session 0

•First part: Overview of expectations, rules, Q&A, meet & greet with parents (Teen groups) 30-60 minutes

•Second part: Create player characters 4-4.5 hours 

 Campaign sessions -Sessions 1-9

✓The cost includes: 

  • In-person program rate (In-person rates for tutoring is $30 per hour, our enrichment rate is reduced to $5-7 per hour)
  • One-of-a-kind campaigns, SEL aligned events
  • Set of dice (returning players get new dice too!)
  • Hand-drawn & Vinyl maps, miniatures of NPCs and monsters, monster token, condition rings, etc.
  • Full access to the host's D&D Beyond account library of character and gameplay books
  • Opportunity to challenge yourself through conflict, social interactions, decision-making and personal development
  • 1 custom made character figurine keepsake
  • Snacks & drinks

Player's Handbook is an add-on

Rentals $20 for the entire campaign

Buy $50

Due to our 501(c)(3) status, our partnership with Game Garrison has enabled us to keep costs down and include all supplies, even food and drinks for players during the sessions.

We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee, at any point you are not happy with our services we will refund your money no questions asked!

Teen groups Price: $200 ($20 per session)

Payment options: 1) Pay in full

2)Pay a deposit of $20 and then pay the remainder in a payment plan.

a. 2 monthly payments of $90

b. 3 monthly payments of $60

*IMPORTANT*- If your teen(s) are new to D&D, you MUST choose the Beginner group. We are looking to expand the number of our Beginner Groups, but we need to know how much interest has been garnered to dictate how many groups are necessary. Thank you for your understanding and patience!


Adult group

Price: $150 ($15 per session)

Payment options: 1) Pay in full

2)Pay deposit of $20 and then pay the remainder in a payment plan.

a. 2 monthly payments of $65

b. 3 monthly payments of $43

A recurring invoice will be set up based upon your preferred date through PayPal

We offer reduced rates for households who qualify.

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