Florida Association of Science Teachers (FAST) Classroom Grant
Do you have a science project that needs funding? Do you need money for hands-on science inquiry? Apply for a classroom grant from FAST. This grant can also be applied towards a field trip and/or bus costs.  Classroom Grants up to $500.00 will be awarded at the FAST Annual Conference, although you don't need to be present to receive the grant.  We will mail you the check if you are unable to attend.  The form takes less than 10 minutes to complete.  If you have any questions, please email        You must be an active member of FAST to apply for the grants. You can check on and/or update your membership on the website: www.fastscience.org. Membership is only $25 for this professional organization. Ten grants will be given out as long as criteria has been met. Our goal is to promote science education in Florida.
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Who May Apply
- Must be current member of the Florida Association of  Science Teachers (FAST)
- Full time classroom teachers currently certified and teaching in Florida
- Applicants must be teaching during the current school year
- Projects involving inquiry or hands-on science activities will be given preference
- Previous recipients must wait three years to reapply

Are you a member of FAST? *
First Name *
Last Name *
Home Address *
Please include the street address, city, and zip code
Phone Number *
Work Email Address *
Alternate Email Address *
Principal's Name *
School *
School Address *
Title of Project/Program *
Description of the Program/Project *
What are the main goals and/or objectives? *
How many students will be impacted with this grant?
Please write the items in the budget here. *
It can total $500 or less.
Social Media
While at the conference or while you are working on the project, you are encouraged to follow FAST and post about your experience with #FASTscience.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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