Workshop: Branded website in 3 hrs
Hey conscious soul!

You're just a few clicks away from signing up for this no-bullshit, lean and fun workshop where you will have a branded website LIVE at the end of our time together! :D

Here is how it works:

1. Fill out your information
2. Hit the "Submit" button
3. You will see a message confirming your registration (woohoo!)
4. I will email you within 24 hrs with the payment details
5. Once your payment is registered I will manually add you to the Google calendar invite which includes the link to the workshop call and information about what to prep before the workshop
6. You will receive an email reminder about the workshop 1 day, 3 hours and 10 Minutes before 

Want to read again what it is you're signing up for? Of course, have a look here:
Looking forward seeing you there and have some fuuuuun!

All the sunshine,
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What's your name? *
Where are you located (city, country)? *
What kind of business are you creating this branded website for? *
What areas are you struggling with when it comes to setting up a branded website?  *
What's the main thing that has been holding you back from setting up a branded website so far? *
What's you IG handle?
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