Adventist Physical Education Teacher Contact Info
We are trying to create a networking tool to help build a database for Adventist teachers to connect with each other as we respond to the changes needed due to the novel Coronavirus

SDA-HPERA wants to try to help support you during this time as best as possible.
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By completing this form you are giving access to other teachers to this information. It is meant to help create community and help teachers to reach out to others who might be teaching similar topics that might have questions.
Only those who submit their info will be able to access this contact info on GoogleSheets.  We are doing this to try to protect from bots creating spam emails, etc
Cell Phone
Work Phone
Years of teaching
Grade level
Click all that apply
What do you teach, or what roles do you fill at work?
Click all that apply
Tech tools you are using for instruction
Click all that apply.
What Curriculum do you use?
i.e. spark
How do you teach?
Ask a question. What would you like to learn more about? What are you struggling with?
Here is an area of interest that I’d like to explore/pursue (this is somewhat broad: could be a new aspect of teaching, an area of research, a hobby, etc):
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