5th Annual CAMTech Uganda Hack-a-thon Application 2017
EVENT DATE: 25-27th August 2017

The 5th Annual CAMTech Uganda MedTech Hack-a-thon will bring together innovators from around the world to solve critical health challenges in low-resource settings.
Apply now to this exciting 48-hour event, where teams will work to transform ideas into prototypes that have the potential to revolutionize health outcomes in Uganda and around the world.

DEADLINE TO APPLY: July 28, 2017
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About You
Full Name *
Email address *
Phone number *
Gender *
Institution *
The entity (company/ university/ makerspace) you are currently affiliated with. Please enter N/A if this does not apply to you.
Zip code and/or country area code
Zip code or country area code of the institution mentioned above. If N/A, enter home zip/country code here.
Where do you currently live or work? [City/Town] *
Where do you currently live or work? [Country] *
If you are traveling from outside of Mbarara, do you have funding to support your travel?
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Are you a student? *
Background *
Choose the one that describes your background the best.
Have you participated in a medical technology hack-a-thon before? *
If yes, was it organized by CAMTech?
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What are your primary goals for the hack-a-thon? *
Would you like CAMTech to share your application details with other participants to help connect with them prior to the hack-a-thon? *
We will share your email id and your areas of interest/expertise with other applicants, only if you permit us to.
About Hacking
Attending the hack-a-thon from 9 am on Saturday, Aug 26, until 7pm on Sunday, Aug 27, is essential. Will you be able to attend both the days? *
If you answered "no" for the above question, please explain. *
If you answered yes, please enter N/A.
What strengths will you bring to your team while putting a hack together? 600 characters or less. *
Describe a healthcare problem that you would like to solve. 600 characters or less. *
Focus on articulating the problem statement. Who is affected by it? How severe is the problem? Why are current solutions inadequate? Be succinct.
Is there anything else you'd like to share? Optional, 400 characters or less.
Feel free to use this section to talk about anything else that will help others seek you out as a valued teammate.
About the event
How did you find out about this event?
Please help us improve our dissemination strategy.
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Would you be interested in a half-day visit to a hospital and/or clinic in/around Mbarara on Friday, August 25, 2017? *
You could attend the workshop (described below) during the other half of the day. This is a unique opportunity to gain clinical insights and is especially valuable for those from a non-healthcare background. Transportation will be provided to the site from MUST. Only first 60 applicants will be provided this opportunity.
Would you be interested in attending a half-day, pre-hack-a-thon Clinical Summit on Friday, August 25, 2017? *
Once you click "Submit," you will be directed to a confirmation page. If you do NOT see the confirmation page, your application has not been received and you will need to resubmit.
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