Kiln Yard Booking Form
Thank you for your interest in applying to hire the kilns at Yorkshire Artspace. Please ensure you have carefully read our Hire Agreement and Hire Rates documents before making an application. Our Kiln Technician will respond to your application to confirm your booking as soon as possible.
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Name *
Address *
Email *
Mobile phone *
Are you hiring the kiln as an individual or on behalf of a group? *
If a group, how many people are submitting work to be fired?
N.B. Please ensure all work is marked clearly on the base so you can identify post firing. 
Please indicate the type of firing you wish to book. *
Kilns are only available to hire as a whole kiln to one named contact who will also be responsible for payment in full. Independent use of kilns can only occur following completion of supported induction with our Kiln Technicians and at our discretion.
Please indicate your preferred firing start date. *
Please refer to list of available dates found here. Firings will typically begin on a Monday, and work will need to be dropped off in advance of this. You are welcome to request a date not within the pre-set firing schedule, but this is subject to technician availability which we cannot guarantee. 

Please provide a broad description of work/wares being submitted.

e.g. large sculptural piece or multiple smaller items.  Any information related to manual handling of items or overall pack of kiln that you would like to make our technicians aware of.  Our kiln technicians will assess work going into kiln prior to packing and have the right to refuse any work based on construction or glaze concerns, or which we deem might cause serious damage to the equipment, or pose a health and safety threat.
Please provide information about the types of clays and glazes being used, as well as cone/temperature requirements.  *

Please check manufacturer's specifications.

Please provide information about any special firing requirements you may have.  *
Extra charges may need to be applied for slower programmes or firing of large sculptural work that demands a slower curve if this increases LPG usage.  
Please include any other notes for our Kiln Technicians. *
How did you hear about the Kiln Yard? *
Please tick all that apply. *
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