Climate Fresk Facilitation Training - Fall 2023

This event is for anyone who has already attended a Climate Fresk workshop as a participant in any language, online or in-person.

Join one of the sessions below to become a facilitator of the Climate Fresk game-workshop, and be part of a worldwide community 60,000 strong, lowering the barriers for climate change action.

With this 3-hour facilitation training session, you will be all set to facilitate a workshop all by yourself.  

If you want have not participated yet to a Climate Fresk workshop, check out info and upcoming dates here.

Who: you have already attended a Climate Fresk workshop 
Where: at Mather House
              10 Cowperthwaite St
When: choose one slot below and pls ARRIVE ON TIME
What: all that you need to start facilitating the Climate Fresk yourself
Mauro Morabito, Climate Fellow and Mather Sustainability Tutor,
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