Development Partnership with John Crestani
Interested in working with me in developing an app and having me handle the business end of things? Here's how this will work

Me: Provide product direction, strategy, and marketing. Determine UI/UX.
You: Develop the app and communicate clearly within the #app-dev group on our slack portal.

I will only reach out to folks that appear qualified, with prior experience, and a complete Linkedin profile, for an interview.

- All apps will be developed for a specific app marketplace
- All apps must have a Freemium pricing model
- Once the app is generating revenue, partners time will be compensated according to market rates
- Additional revenue will be used for expansion
- A DAO will be setup once traction is made
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Have you developed an app or software before? *
Please list what apps you have developed, preferably with links.
Whats your Linkedin profile? *
Please complete your Linkedin profile if you want to be considered
If I asked you to code something right now, what language/s would you use? *
Which concept are you most interested in developing an MVP for? *
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