Evaluation for the Convening for a Thriving Future for our Pacific Islander, Native Hawaiian, Asian, and Asian American Communities
Thank you for attending Convening for a Thriving Future for our Pacific Islander, Native Hawaiian, Asian, and Asian American (PIAA) Community, which was held on October 1, 2022 and convened by Portland State University (PSU).

Please respond to this anonymous survey by Friday, October 7, 2022. We appreciate your feedback.
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1. Of the priorities discussed today, which do you think have the most impact on the thriving future of Pacific Islander, Native Hawaiian, Asian, and Asian American (PIAA) communities? 
2a. To what extent was this outcome met at today's convening?  Engage authentically with the diverse PIAA Communities. *
Not at All
To a Great Extent
2b. To what extent was this outcome met at today's convening? Strengthen a reciprocal campus community relationship.
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To a Great Extent
2c. To what extent was this outcome met at today's convening? Honor the assets, labor, and collective wisdom of the PIAA Communities in Oregon.
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To a Great Extent
2d. To what extent was this outcome met at today's convening? Identify opportunities for PSU staff, faculty, and students to come alongside the community’s vision for a thriving future.
Not at All
To a Great Extent
3. Did you walk away from this convening, making a new connection across campus or in the community? *
4. Did you walk away from this covening learning about a new community-based organization? *
5. What else would you want PSU to know about how to best partner with PIAA communities?  *
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