Congratulations on your desire to dedicate your child to the Lord! The Baby Dedication is the commitment of parents to raise their children to know and follow Jesus Christ (Luke 2:22). Apex First Baptist Church is honored to assist your family in this very important experience.
During the confirmed Sunday morning worship service, Pastor and First Lady McLean will invite parents, grandparents/godparents and the child being dedicated to come to the front of the sanctuary to begin the Baby Dedication Ceremony. At the conclusion of the ceremony, an official Certificate of Baby Dedication will be provided to the parents.
If you would like to have a baby/child dedicated at AFBC, please submit one form per child. The information you provide will be used for the dedication ceremony. Once your form has been submitted, the church office will reach out to you with next steps. Provide two date options for the Baby Dedication Ceremony. The Church Administrator will share the dates with the Pastor. Once the date is confirmed the Church Administrator will share the confirmed date with the parents/guardians.
If you have any questions, please contact the church office at or call (919) 362-7416.