Take Action for Student Journalism: Contact your elected officials
We're supporting New Yorkers to make their voices heard by elected officials on the importance of access to student journalism! The City Council is currently reviewing legislation related to student journalism equity, and you can help make sure they understand the importance of the issue.

By filling out this form, you'll receive a messaging toolkit for contacting your Council Member.

Please complete this form ASAP so we can prepare your next steps. If you have questions, please contact info@youthjournalismnyc.org.
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Your Name

Email *
Check what best describes you *
Your Council Member *
Learn who your council member is: https://council.nyc.gov/districts/
If you're affiliated with a public school, please share the name of the school
If you're affiliated with a public school, please share the Council Member that represents the school
A YJC team member will follow up soon via email with the messaging guide!
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