Application form for European Solidarity Corps projects of Associazione InformaGiovani and its partners
Please be clear and as specific as possible. Your answers will be used for a better and a fair selection process!
They will help us to better understand your motivation and needs, and if InformaGiovani and its partners can provide the support you may need during your volunteering experience.
Feel free to fully express yourself.
All information are not disclosed to anyone outside of InformaGiovani team and are used only for the selection process and to provide you the best possible volunteering experience.

IMPORTANT. Only candidates selected for an interview or for more information will be contacted.

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Surname *
Country of residence
Only countries eligible for the European Solidarity Corps are shown
Personal e-mail
Birthday *
City from where you'll start the journey to the activity place
Personal mobile phone (international prefix)
Personal mobile phone number (without international code)
Information on emergency contact in case of needs (please specify name and surname, relation, phone number and email)
Special dietary needs
Do you have any allergy or specific health need? Do you regularly take specific medicines? If yes, please specify if you need a specific assistance to do it or if you manage by yourself.
Are you aware of the documentation needed (Passport or ID, Visa, etc.) if any, to enter the country of destination?
Did you check if your Identification Documents or Passport is valid to enter the Country of Destination?
When your current ID or Passport expires?
Your PRN - Personal Reference Number in the European Youth Portal
To participate in European Solidarity Corps, each volunteer must be registered in the European Youth Portal. This is not compulsory at current application phase, but will be compulsory if you are accepted in one of our projects in order to be eligible for travel reimbursment and insurance coverage.
WE INVITE YOU TO REGISTER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to speed up selection procedures.
Are you in contact with a potential supporting organization in your country of residence that can support you in the preparation of your volunteering experience abroad? *
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