CLFOGE Challenger Space Mission Sign-up
Are you ready for an adventure beyond Earth's bounds? Crystal Lake Friends of Gifted Education invites you to participate in Operation Comet and Lunar Quest, immersive simulated space missions at the renowned Challenger Learning Center!

Challenger Learning Center
720 W. Judd Street
Woodstock, IL  60098
(815) 338-7722

This event is open to EC 4th graders and students from grades 5 through 8.

Caregivers will drop off their child at Challenger Learning Center by 8:50am and pick them up promptly at 1pm. Children should bring a NUT-FREE sack lunch/snack.

Please complete this form once per childSimply come back to this page to register another child.

Contact with any questions.

Cost (per child)
CLFOGE Members: $35 (one mission), $60 (both missions)
Non-Members: $45 (one mission), $80 (both missions)
Needs-based scholarship rates are available on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us for more information.
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