Code of Conduct Complaints Form
If you have experienced misconduct or a breach of our Code of Conduct, please complete the form below.
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This form is set to be anonymous but in order to follow up with you or ask more questions to better understand the situation, we will need to know who you are and how best to correspond with you. If you are comfortable identifying yourself, please do so below.
Please provide a detailed description of what happened. If online, please link to or send us the relevant text. *
Who was involved? *
Were there any witnesses? *
Where and when did this happen? *
What was the impact? *
Is there any relevant context we need to know about? e.g. Do you have examples of a pattern of behavior from this person? Do you have a relationship with them outside of Vital? *
Have you already responded? If so, how? *
Do you have any concerns about your safety or the safety of someone else on the team? *
Is there anything we can do to support you immediately? *
All submissions will be sent to Narayanan Iyer for investigation as our Head of Finance and HR. Would you like this report to be forwarded to someone else? *
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