May 24- PPA-Make up session Form
Trainer: Sobia Khan
Training Dates:  
Sat May 4th- Session 1,2,3 (8 AM-4 PM)
Sun May 5th  - Session 4,5,6 (8 AM-4 PM)
Sat May 11th - Session 7,8,9 (8 AM-4 PM)
Mon May 13th - Session 10 (6 PM -9 PM)
Wed May 15th - Session 11(6 PM -9 PM)
Thurs May 16th- Session 12 (6 PM -9 PM)
Sat May 18th - Session 13,14,15 (8 AM-4 PM)
Sat May 19th Session 16,17,18 (8 AM-4 PM)
Cost each session: $35/ session

PPA Attendance Policies and Expectations: You will attend, be present and actively participate in all sessions, including but not limited to:
  1. Be prepared for the session
  2. Ensure you have a location, where you can actively participate in class without interruption.
  3. Participate from your own computer and space (1 person per computer, per space).
  4. Have your camera on.
  5. Place yourself on mute (unless sharing).
  6. Join and engage in break out groups.
  7.  Attendance will be taken throughout the session by instructor. It is expected that you will sign-in each session using sign-in in the chat box.
  8. Participation is mandatory for all sessions since this course is designed for active participation and sharing so that learning can take place.
The following are considered inappropriate, potentially dangerous, and unacceptable. Please be prepared to be removed form the session or have a conversation with an instructor during and or after class if you are engaged in the following:         
        a. Driving/operating a vehicle or in a moving vehicle
        b. Shopping
        c. Sleeping
        d. Attending another meeting and or function. 
Thanks for joining us. Looking forward to seeing you soon. 
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Your first and last name *
Your email address *
Your cell phone number *
Who was your trainer. If you did your training with me, when did you take the training? *
Any additional info for the trainer to know
How many sessions you need to make up?
Session Number *
Row 1
Each session is $35 to make up. Your cost will be? *
How would you like to pay *
Please email me to confirm that you have made the payment and filled out this form. You will not be registered, until you have made a payment, and submitted this form. Please put your name in the payment notes. Please contact me after submitting this form and the payment for the start time of the session: Once registered you will get your zoom link, night before the training day.
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