Overdose Education & Naloxone Distribution (OEND) directly to people who use drugs is an evidence-based practice that reduces fatal opioid overdoses. In this 2 -hour training, attendees will:
This training will, first, situate opioid overdose trends, overdose prevention, and overdose response in the context of harm reduction theory and will encourage participants to consider both harms that are inherent to drugs or ways of use and, also, to understand and critique harms that are caused and exacerbated by social structures—and the importance of distinguishing the two.
Learn the context for why overdose prevention is of growing concern and what is known about overdose education and naloxone distribution programs.
Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of a drug overdose and how to respond to an overdose situation with naloxone, the medication that reverses opioid overdose.
Learn what steps to take following an overdose and overdose prevention counseling tips when working to support people who use drugs (PWUD).
The workshop is run by the Chicago Recovery Alliance, which is the oldest and largest organized naloxone & overdose prevention program in the country.
Trainer: Jennifer Andel
jenniferandel@anypositivechange.orgQuestions? E-mail