AI and ChatGPT
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We use AI in our everyday lives.  Which of the following tasks are currently using AI?
1 point
AI uses different types of learning depending on what it wants to do.  What is the type of learning used when it is given a lot of information without any particular structure, which it can then use to better predict what you want from it?
1 point
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Which of the following tasks might include an algorithm?
1 point
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Our lesson involves discussing LLMs (large language models).  What best describes an LLM?
1 point
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We discussed Conversational AI versus Generative AI.  What is unique about Generative AI?
1 point
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When comparing a Chatbot to a conversational AI, what is unique about the Conversational AI?
1 point
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(no credit) Open one of the 3 apps (ChatGPT, Perplexity, Pi).  Ask it some questions.  Tell us (below) what you observed.  
(no credit) Would  you like a future class to include additional applications and more depth on these programs?
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