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Rabbi Barbara (Italy)
Modreck Maeresera (Zimbabwe)
Rabbi Browne (The Philippines)
Recipes of my 15 grandmothers: Unique recipes and stories from the times of the Crypto Jews during the Spanish Inquisition (Genie Milgrom)
Reform Conversions and Beyond: Growing a Jewish Community in Guatemala (Rabbi Elyse Goldstein and Rebecca Orantes)
The Building of a Movement: A discussion with the Zellers and Primacks, Founders of Kulanu
Rabbi Funnye: The History of the Black Jews/Israelites in the US and Africa
Professor Shalva Weil: How the Bene Israel of India Became Mainstream
Rabbi Dr. Ari Greenspan: Reviewing a Personal Collection of Judaica from around the Globe
Professor Tudor Parfitt on Jews, Blacks, and Race
Virtual Visit to Kenya with Yehuda Kimani
Jews in Ghana? Panel Discussion
The Backstory of Ethiopian Operation Moses: Witness Accounts
Woman Entrepreneurs of Uganda: Sanitary Pads, Soap, Masks, and More
The 382 Year Story of Suriname's Jewish Community
Tales from India's Bene Ephraim Jewish community
Jews that Speak Swahili and Arabic! The Jewish Community in Tanzania
Heartache and Happiness on the Islands of Palms: The Story of the Jews of Majorca
From Evangelical Bishop to Jewish Leader: The Jewish Communities of Cameroon
The Spanish Portuguese Synagogue in Indonesia
Prince Ndriana Rabarioelina of Madagascar speaks about the belief of the Malagasy people of their Israelite roots
Xueta Island (A Film about the Jews of Majorca)
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