nDEX Market ERC20 Token Listing Form FREE for 1st 10 Tokens.
https://ndex.market is the first project from nDEX Network.
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Official Email Address : *
Token Name : *
Token Symbol : *
Token Contract Address: *
Token Decimal:
Official Web Site: *
Project Short Description (Maximum 30 words): *
Social Media links : *
A sign message hash from contract owner. Format given below: [I "contract_owner_wallet_id" hereby declare that, I am the owner or representative of this contract "CONTRACT_ADDRESS". SIGN_DATE]
Please provide a 2M (Two million) NDX (nDEX) donation for dApps development fund. Donation address: 0xbCC31696DE29Fe8e896f0f8bbc645Be1FB18803A . TX Hash? *
Thank You For Your Filling. We will inform you with in 24 hours. If you want to know more just knock us any of our contract. *
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