2023 Giro d'Sardinia Stage Race Camp
This 9-day cycling camp includes participation in a true European 6-day Stage Race. Campers will race for the Max Lelli team in official team kit on April 20-29. Please use this document to register and submit your camp deposit of $1000 via Zelle to randy@warrencycling.org or via Venmo to @Randy-Warren2005 or via PayPal, friends and family, to randy@warrencycling.com. For more information please visit warrencycling.com or email Randy at randy@warrencycling.com.
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First Name *
Last Name *
email address *
phone number *
Mailing address: *
USAC License # (you need to have a USAC domestic license to race in the Giro d'Sardinia)
Road Category
Racing age in 2023
Version of Giro d'Sardinia entering *
Are you staying the extra day to visit Rome on April 29 (flying out on April 30)? *
Jersey size
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Bib size
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T-shirt size *
Tell me a little bit about yourself as a cyclist and why you are excited to go to Italy with us
Please let us know anything else you'd like to share with us about your participation in the 2023 Giro d'Sardinia Stage Race Camp
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