Xoogler.co: Fireside Chat with Laura Borghesi, VP of Growth at Gympass

Join us for a fireside chat with Laura Borghesi! The chat will be hosted by Veronique Lafargue

Laura Borghesi is the VP of Growth at Gympass, where she leads the teams overseeing User Journey, Experimentation, and Strategy & Tech for the consumer business. Before joining Gympass, Laura worked at several tech companies in NYC and Silicon Valley, Stripe and MongoDB, amongst some of them. Laura’s passion for growth was born at Google, where she learned the basics of building customer-centric marketing and product experiences that lead to revenue growth. She strongly believes in data-driven decisions and a world based on experimentation.

Date: Feb 17, 2021
Time: 5-6PM PST

Organized by Veronique Lafargue <vlafargue@gmail.com>

Other Questions? Contact: Chris Fong <chris@xoogler.co>, Ankit Jain <ankit@xoogler.co>


Review https://xoogler.co and www.angel.co/xooglers/syndicate for more information.

News Coverage on Xoogler.co
- cnbc.com/2018/05/01/xoogler-demo-day-2018-startup-pitches-from-former-google-employees.html
- https://www.businessinsider.com.au/inside-london-xoogler-pitch-da-ex-googlers-startups-80-eu-investors-2017-6
- www.wsj.com/articles/google-alumni-pitch-investors-at-xoogler-demo-days-1461092062
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