义工报名  Volunteer Registration


Urgent task to be done? Let me do it!
Protecting the spiritual environment of sentient beings is the core philosophy of Dharma Drum Mountain, and that mission cannot be achieved without contributions from our volunteers. Ven. Master Sheng Yen once said that each volunteer is like a bodhisattva who helps to build Dharma Drum Mountain as they embrace high end job and low lying task well, and always ready to take up work that no one does. We welcome all to join us now to support the daily maintenance of the Centre & all Dharma activities. Let us make great compassion vow, to serve all people and benefit both others and ourselves!

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个人资料搜集/处理/利用同意书 Consent to Collect, Use and Disclose Personal Data
1. 为了推动佛法,取得您的姓名…等个人资料后,将以适当方式在法鼓山体系,持续给予关怀与服务。
2. 您可以要求查询、更正、删除,或停止利用个人资料。
3. 您可自由选择是否提供个人资料,若资料不完整,我们将无法提供完整的服务。
In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012, we would like to inform you the followings and seek your agreement for Dharma Drum Singapore to collect, use and disclose your personal data:
1. To propagate Buddha teachings, we will contact you to provide care and services within Dharma Drum Mountain various sites, both local and overseas.
2. You can request to check, correct, delete and cease to use your personal data.
3. You can decide if you like to provide personal data. We will not be able to provide full service coverage if the data is incomplete.
我已阅读并同意遵循上述内容。(如果您不同意,我们无法收集您的个人资料和接受您的报名)I have read and agreed the above clauses. (If you disagree, we could not proceed with the registration.) *
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