Deane Little Beans RSVP
Thank you for your interest in our children's program! Please fill out the following form to RSVP. We look forward to seeing you! 

Deane Center Address:  104 Main St., Wellsboro, PA 16901
If you have any questions, please contact us at (570)-724-6220 or 

Email *
Select the Deane Little Beans events you plan on attending. You may choose multiple events. *
How many children will be attending?  *
How many adults will be accompanying the children to the event? 
Parent/Guardian Name  *
Parent/Guardian Phone number *
List the first names of your child(ren) here. 
How old is your child? Check all that apply if you have more than one child attending. *
How did you hear about this event? *
List any allergies we may need to know about (specifically food)
Would you like to receive emails about upcoming Deane Little Beans events? If Yes, please provide your email below.
Do you give permission for your child's photo/video to be taken and used for promotional purposes?   *
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