Resource Education Booking Enquiry Form
Thank you for your interest in booking an activity with the Resource Education Program. To help us organise the best possible session for you, please complete the form below.
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Group / Organisation / School Name: *
Group / Organisation / School Address:
Contact Person Name: *
Contact Person E-mail: *
Contact Person Telephone Number: *
Best way to contact you about this booking? *
Preferred Dates(s)
Preferred Time(s):
Number of Participants (including any teachers / carers):
Age/Year of Children Participants (if applicable):
Are there any specific areas of the Resource Tip Shop, or our operations, that you are interested in? This will help us tailor an activity for your group.  
Are there any participants with needs that you would like us to be aware of? If yes, please provide details so that we can work with you to tailor the activity to best meet the needs of all participants in your group.
If payment is required, do you want to pay by invoice?
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Do you have any other questions to ask, or any other information you would like to provide us (including invoicing information)?
Thank you for your interest in joining us for a talk, tour or workshop.
We will review your inquiry and get back to you as soon as we can. Our Education team work part-time and aim to respond to all booking inquiries within 7 days. We will always e-mail or phone you to confirm a booking. We hope to see soon!
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