Uus Lindy Hopi kursus alates 17.09.2024 /  New Lindy Hop course starting from 17.09.2024
Oled ennast kirja panemas populaarse swingtantsu Lindy Hop kursusele. Tantsutunnid hakkavad toimuma alates 17. septembrist teisipäeviti kl. 20:00-21:15 Rohkem infot: https://www.tsds.ee/algaja-info/
Toimumiskoht: Pärnu mnt 154, Tallinn (Arsimaja IV korrus)
Juhendajad: Kati Rohtla ja Martti Kelindeman

NB! Kuigi Lindy Hop on paaristants, käib registreerimine individuaalselt. Palun veendu, et ka partner kellega registreerud, täidab registreerimisvormi!

Juhul kui sul oma kindel tantsupartner registreerimise hetkel puudub, oled ikka oodatud osalema, sest tunnis vahetatakse tantsupartnereid.

Please fill in the registration form for a new Lindy Hop course. The classes will take place on Tuesday at 20:00-21:15 starting from 17th of September. The classes will take place at Pärnu road 154, Tallinn (ARS IV floor). You can find more info and payment details at https://www.tsds.ee/swing-dance-in-tallinn/
Teachers: Kati Rohtla ja Martti Kelindeman 
 NB! Although Lindy Hop is a partner dance, the registration should be done individually. Please make sure that your partner also fills out the registration form! In case you don't have a partner at the moment of registration, don't worry! You are still very welcome to join as we change partners in class.
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