3 vs. 3 Fall Basketball League & Skill Sessions 2024
3 & 4 Girls | 3 & 4 Boys | 5 & 6 Boys | 7 & 8 Boys

*3 players minimum and 4 players maximum on a team.
*Grades 3-6: All kids can be from the same school, but not necessary.
*Grades 7-8: Only 3 kids from the same school on a team (OHSAA regulation). You can sign up as a team, a duo/trio, or an individual and we will place you on a team.

*If your child wants to play but doesn't have enough for a team, please email The Edge (edgesportscomplex@gmail.com) and we may be able to find a team for you.

3 & 4 Girls League:
Sunday Afternoons @ 1:00pm: 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27 & 11/3 (Tourney)
*Option #1: 3v3 League Only - $80
*Option #2: 3v3 League PLUS five 1-hour skill sessions with Sara Puthoff - $150
(Tuesdays @ 4:00pm: 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22 & 10/29)

3 & 4 Boys League:
Sunday Afternoons @ 1:00pm: 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27 & 11/3 (Tourney)
*Option #1: 3v3 League Only - $80
*Option #2: 3v3 League PLUS five 1-hour skill sessions with Kyle Ahrens - $180
(Tuesdays @ 5:00pm: 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22 & 10/29)

5 & 6 Boys League:
 Sunday Afternoons @ 2:45pm: 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27 & 11/3 (Tourney)
*Option #1: 3v3 League Only - $80
*Option #2: 3v3 League PLUS five 1-hour skill sessions with Kyle Ahrens - $180
(Tuesdays @ 5:00pm: 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22 & 10/29)

7 & 8 Boys League:
Saturday Mornings @ 10:00am: 10/5, 10/12, 10/19 & 10/26
10:00am: 30-minute skill session with Kyle Ahrens
10:40am: 3v3 League (2-4 ten-minute competitive games, subject to slightly change depending on the total # of teams registered)
COST: $120

* Accepting a maximum of 10 teams per age division - first come, first serve.
* Rock-paper-scissors for 1st possession.
* Wear your own reversible jersey.
* No coaches.
*3rd & 4th Grade Girls will play on a 9'6" rim.
* 10:00 minute running clock. A 3:00-minute break in between games.
* Fouls/subs/jump balls are called and kept track by a monitor at each basket.
* 2 pts for a 2 ptr. 3 pts for a 3 ptr. 1 pt for a foul shot.
* Shooting foul: 1 point & 1 free throw attempt.
* Non-shooting foul: keep possession.
* Must take back to the 3-point line after change of possession.
* Subs after a basket or dead ball.
* Ends in a tie: sudden death free throws.
*Grades 3-6: league game times are subject to slightly change depending on the total # of teams registered.

please Venmo (@TheEdge2021), Cash or Check is accepted prior to first games.

Schedules will be sent out after the deadline date via email that you supply.
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Email *
Student's Name (first & last) *
Email Address (will be sending the schedule here) *
What grade is the student (2024-2025 school year)? *
Girl or Boy? *
What school does the student attend? *
Team's Name *
Teammate's Names (can list 3 additional names) *
Will you be attending the additional skill sessions (in addition to the 3v3 League)? If so, select your option. *
Emergency Contact Name & Phone Number *
I understand that the "Liability Release Agreement". *
Captionless Image
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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