PAWS Cat Surrender Questionnaire
Thank you for doing everything you can to help this kitty find a new home. We greatly appreciate your time and energy. This questionnaire helps us identify any services we may provide to help you keep your cat, and evaluate whether your cat will be a good fit for our adoption/foster program. The more detail we have, the better we can market the cat to our foster network and assess whether we have the tools to support them in finding their next home. Don't leave anything out! Although it may look long, this questionnaire will only take 3-6 minutes to fill out. NOTE: If you have a litter of kittens please only fill out ONE form total. If you have a litter of kittens and their mom please fill out TWO forms, one for the litter and one for the mom.
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This form was created inside of Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society (PAWS).

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