The teacher training experience can be a time of deep emotional connection for some people. Though this process is healing, it can also be stressful. If you have any history of mental illness i.e. depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder or any form of psychosis, it would be very helpful for your teacher to know in order to be sensitive to your needs. If you are taking medications or have been hospitalized for any of these conditions please describe below. 對某些人來說,教師培訓經驗可能是一段深刻的情感連結的時期。雖然這個過程可以治愈,但也可能會帶來壓力。如果您有任何精神疾病史,即憂鬱症、焦慮症、精神分裂症、雙向情感障礙、創傷後壓力症候群或任何形式的精神病,那麼您的老師了解這一點將非常有幫助,以便能夠敏感地滿足您的需求。如果您正在服用藥物或因任何這些情況住院,請在下面描述。