Raise Your Grievances

Welcome to the "Raise Your Grievances" form, a dedicated space for every member of our college community—students, faculty, and staff—to voice the challenges and concerns they encounter within our institution. This platform is designed for you to share not only the issues you're facing but also your suggestions for solutions or the changes you'd like to see. Your input is invaluable in our continuous effort to improve our college environment and ensure it is supportive, inclusive, and conducive to everyone's success.

Please be assured, the details you provide, including your name, email ID, and phone number, will be kept strictly confidential with the principal's office. This information is only collected to allow for a direct and personal follow-up if necessary, ensuring that we address your concerns as effectively as possible.

We encourage you to use this form responsibly and constructively. Your feedback is a crucial part of our collective growth and improvement. By sharing your experiences and suggestions, you're helping us create a better college community for all. Thank you for taking the time to contribute your voice. We're listening.

Name *
Email *
Phone number
Affiliation to the College
Department (if applicable)
Nature of Grievance
Description of Grievance
How long has this been an issue?
Suggested Solution/Expected Change
Has this issue been reported previously?
Preferred Method of Follow-Up
Do you wish to remain anonymous in any reports or discussions beyond the principal's office
Additional Comments (if any)
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