The Little Bully
This quiz is for Class 5 English prepared by Tarun Kumar Dash, K V Koraput, Odisha.
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There are 20 questions. Each question carries 01 mark only. There are four options for each question, out of them only one option is correct. Choose the correct option and submit your response.
1. Who was the bully in the story ? *
1 point
2. Describe Hari in two lines. *
1 point
3. What did Hari love to do? *
1 point
4. How was he teasing his school mates ? ( choose two options ) *
1 point
5. Why did the children hate Hari? *
1 point
6. Where did the class go for a picnic? *
1 point
7. Why did nobody want to sit next to Hari? *
1 point
8. Why was Hari angry? ( Choose two options ) *
1 point
9. Choose the dish not included in his lunch box. *
1 point
10. "Good morning! I am so pleased to meet a boy like you." who said? *
1 point
11. What did the crab do with Hari's hand? *
1 point
12. Who addressed Hari as his good cousin? *
1 point
13. Make one word answer. Injury by blow to body. *
1 point
14. Choose the word which means pinched. *
1 point
15. Which of the following actions would make a friendly person? *
1 point
16. What is the opposite of smile? *
1 point
17. Choose the incorrect word. *
1 point
18. Choose the rhyming word for bruise. *
1 point
19. Choose the incorrect sentence. *
1 point
20. Choose the incorrect word. *
1 point
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