LEI Course Registration Form
Please fill out this form in order to register for any of the LEI online courses.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Mailing Address *
Phone Number (Including Country Code) *
Country of Residence
Organization / Church
Job Title / Role
Have you taken an LEI course before, either online or in person? *
How did you hear about our online courses?
Course(s) You Would Like to Register For *
Course descriptions are available here: https://www.literacyevangelism.org/resources/training
Why are you interested in taking this course / these courses? *
LEI requires a short advising meeting for course registration. Please check all your available days/times for a 15 minute video meeting (in US Central Time). To convert times, see http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com (select America/Chicago for US Central Time). *
How will you pay the course tuition? *
May LEI use your name, image and/or course-related comments in our social media posts? *
I have read and agree with LEI's statement of faith at https://www.literacyevangelism.org/mission  *
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