Data Collection Form (for statistics and for CEUR)
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Please, input paper's Title *
Please, input paper's number, registered  in EasyChair *
Please, choose section *
Please, input number of paper's authors *
Please, input number of paper's PhD  authors (if there are no PhD  authors put 0) *
Please, input number of paper's DrSc authors  (if there are no DrSc authors put 0) *
Please, input First Name, Last Name, position, university name, academic title and academic degree (if exists) of each paper's author (new one at each next line, delimiter ";") *
Please, input Orcid of the each paper's author (new one at each next line, delimiter ";") *
Please, input DBLP number of each paper's author and DBLP profile link, link example: "https://dblp.org/pid/82/10476.html" (new one at each next line, delimiter ";"). It can be found at https://dblp.org/. If there are no DBPL papers put 0 *
Please, input Scopus number of each paper's author and Scopus profile link, link example: "https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57189330191" (new one at each next line, delimiter ";"). It can be found at https://www.scopus.com/. If there are no Scopus papers put 0 *
Please, input Country and University Name of each paper's author (new one at each next line, delimiter ";") *
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