Christian Formation Registration 2019/2020
As we look forward to the beginning of a new school year we want to make sure that we have up-to-date information about your children!

This will help us to welcome them into the appropriate Sunday School class, Youth Group, or childcare room. It will also allow us to be aware of any special needs they may have (allergies, etc.) and to keep you informed about upcoming events and activities.

So, whether your child has participated in St. Luke's Sunday School, Youth Group or childcare ministry before or whether you are coming for the first time, your time in filling out this form is both helpful and appreciated!
Child's Full Name *
Preferred First Name *
Home Address *
Parent/Guardian #1 First and Last Name *
Parent/Guardian #1 Cell Phone *
Parent/Guardian #1 Email Address *
Parent/Guardian #2 First and Last Name
Parent/Guardian #2 Cell Phone
Parent/Guardian #2 Email Address
Best way to communicate with parents *
Emergency Contact First and Last Name (other than parents/guardian) *
Emergency Contact Phone (other than parents/guardian) *
School Attending 2019/2020 *
Grade 2019-2020 *
Child's Date of Birth *
Please list any allergies or special concerns of which we need to be aware. *
Has your child previously received the following from St. Luke's Episcopal Church? *
Which Sunday school class your child will attend this year? *
Which Youth Group will your child be attending?
[Photo Release] I give St. Luke’s Episcopal Church permission to use my child’s likeness in a photograph in any/all of its publications, including website entries, bulletin boards, weekly newsletters, etc. *
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