2025 Nepal FAM Trip Interest Form
Familiarization (FAM) Trip to Nepal will provide you a feel of what it is like to bring a group to Nepal. This trip is basically a familiarization trip where agencies, educators and trip leaders will explore different sides of Nepal and get a taste of impact that a Nepal trip can make. It is an opportunity to experience Nepali life, understand local communities and issues while enjoying the Himalayas and Nepali hospitality. During the FAM Trip, you will get to visit communities homestay run by marginalized communities as well as meet experts, visit NGOs and visit Nepal's world-famous heritage sites.

Date: 28 May to 1 June 2025  or 5-10 November 2025
Official website of the program- https://goo.gl/iMw74W 

Selection Process: *Please note that our team will carefully review all registrations and extend invitations based on their relevance to the program. However, due to the overwhelming response, we regret that we may not be able to accommodate everyone who signs up.
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Full Name *
Gender *
Date of Birth *
Nationality *
Country of Residence *
Name of your Organization *
Your designation at the Institution *
Website of the Institution *
Email Address *
Please retype your email Address *
Phone Number *
Address *
Why do you want to attend 2024 FAM Trip to Nepal? *
Which date works best for you?
Additional information you want to share with us about you (Optional)
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