Things on Strings, Nest 24: Workshop/Performance/Art Application
This is Strings on Things first year at Burning Nest Festival from the 20th-27th May 2024. We will be hosting events, workshops and performances from Wednesday 22nd to Sunday 26th and are looking for any individuals or camps who would like to utilise our space. 

Our ethos is simple, we love things on strings (or rope, ribbons, wire, etc). It started with shibari, and poi, and expanded to include other string based activities.  Fishing, skipping, knitting?  Bring it!  We are specifically keen to hear from people wanting to host spinning or circus skills workshops as we may have an outdoor area for this, and we will have a box of circus props for borrowing. 

During the day we will function as a comfy welcoming space for jams, workshops, talks and fun activities. During the evening as we are right next to Psychedellyfish we will be acting as a chill out area and piping in their music at a low volume. So we cannot host any DJ sets or late night activities we're afraid!

There are some activities (mostly shibari / rope bondage related) that will be restricted to 18+ entry, when there isn't an 18+ activity taking place the space will be inclusive to all ages, so consider this with your activity, and we will ask about it.

The space:
Our structural components are still being finalised but we will have approximately 8mx4m of sheltered space with plenty of comfy places to sit, and an area with firm foam mats. There will also be a number of metal structures designed with suspension points for shibari or other aerial and physical activities or performances. 

This is our first year as a camp so we are very happy to welcome new people and suggestions to grow and develop!

Please list all the times you may be available as we have lots of our own activities to schedule and we'd like to provide as many opportunities as possible.

Our deadline for submissions is Sunday 14th April.

Entries after this date likely won't be considered, as we have to organise and submit our schedule into the Nest official programme.
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What is your Legal name?
(as written on your Nest ticket purchase)
What should we call you?
(Burner name etc)
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What is your phone number? *
Which methods of communication are you ok with?
Please tell us what times you are more likely to be available for contact:
Would you be happy sharing your social media profile with us? If so, please add a handle or link.
Do you already have a ticket to Nest? *
What type of Activity are you hoping to offer? *
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