ShiftCon Volunteer Application 2018
Hello everyone! I'm SO excited to host ShiftCon 2018! This event is going to back to Irvine, California in February 1-3, 2018. Some rules on applying and some background....every year we have had volunteers drop out last minute and that has hurt our budget and our ability to operate. This year we are prioritizing in order to keep only the most dependable. Volunteers will be ranked in based on two criteria: (1) are they local? AND (2) have they been dependable in the past?

This does not mean that we will not accept people who are not local, but are going to be opting for people who have been loyal and dependable to us in the past. So if you have applied and dropped out, we may not select you. I'm just being honest with you about ends up hurting us and we need to protect the brand. If someone has died OR you had a really good reason that's another story but we did have people just not show up OR said they were going to come and ended up prioritizing other things. I totally get that your real life comes first, but again we need dependable people.

If you have a financial situation where you need help, please email me at and we may be able to work something out. I want everyone who can come to come. It's an important event!  Also, if you apply to be a volunteer and we do not select you for any reason, I will offer you a substantial discount to come anyways. At the end of the day, I really want you there regardless if you are on the team or not. This is about changing the world and it's all hands on deck and everyone needed.

Days needed:

Tuesday January 30th--bag stuffing & set up
Wednesday January 31st--bag stuffing & set up
Thursday February 1st--check in table, early morning set up, floaters, workshop monitors, staff support
Friday February 2nd--check in table, fitness events, early morning set up, floaters, workshop monitors, staff support
Saturday February 3rd--check in table, fitness event, early morning set up, floaters, workshop monitors, staff support

DETAILS: Volunteers are asked to give us 10 hours of work and create content on their blogs. We are offering you a free ticket which is worth between $300-400 and includes meals. We are NOT able to offer travel, hotel or other accommodations.  You will need to get your own hotel room and I will ask you to do so early. If you are local, you won't need a hotel room, but you may want to stay there anyways because we are planning some after parties!

I'm so excited to see you all!!! Please fill out the form below. Decisions will be made by September 1st.
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Full name *
Email *
Cell phone *
Have you volunteered for us before?   *
Have you signed up before and dropped out for any reason? Please explain below. *
Are you a local to Southern California? *
Address *
City *
State *
Zipcode *
Website Name *
Website URL *
Twitter name *
Personal Facebook URL *
Instagram name *
Are you planning on staying at the hotel? If so, how long are you planning on staying? Starting what day? (This helps us communicate to the hotel how many rooms we need) *
Are you planning on bringing a car? (We only have a limited amount of free parking spots so this helps us plan) *
Are you a nursing mother? *
Do you have any dietary restrictions? *
Are you diabetic and need to keep insulin in a refrigerator? *
Do you have any medical problems we need to know about?
Have you been to ShiftCon before and if so, which ones? ....And what were your favorite parts of the event? *
Is there anything else you would like me to know? *
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