CPS Lunchtime Talks: Why the Catholic Social Teachings?
by  Rev. Fr. David Garcia
Dates; 7,14,21 & 28 Oct 2024
Venue: Cecil Building, 137 Cecil Building, #04-01, S069537, Level 4
Time: 12.30 - 1.30pm

In a world full of challenges, social justice, environmental issues, economic disparities, Catholic Social Teachings offer us timeless wisdom on how to approach these with faith, compassion, and moral responsibility. These teachings guide us to live out our faith in a way that serves the common good and builds a more just and loving world.

But how do we apply these teachings in our everyday lives? And is technology truly helping make the world a better place, or is it creating more barriers? Join us as Rev. Fr. David Garcia leads us in an insightful discussion on these crucial topics, exploring how we can align our values with our actions in today’s complex society.

Together, let’s deepen our understanding and find ways to live out these powerful teachings in practical and meaningful ways.

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