2024 Art Fair Application

The 2024 Application Process is as follows:

1. Complete the following application (4 pages)
Within 30 minutes, you will receive a confirmation email. If it is not in your inbox, check the junk folder, and mark this email (nonprofits@aa-artfair.org) as not spam.
This will ensure you get all future email communications.

2. You'll get an email in 2-3 days letting you know if your application is accepted.
If your application is accepted, payment information will be included in the email.
Follow the email instructions for security deposit and booth payment.

Please fill out the Application below for participation in the non-profit section of the July 18-20 Ann Arbor Art Fair. We highly encourage you to review the Policies, Rules and Regulations for participants at - https://washtenawnonprofits.org/policies-rules/

The Washtenaw Non-Profits Fair is located on Liberty in the area east of Fifth, 200 feet short of Division.

Booths are filled on a first-come, first-served basis by date of application receipt.

Applications may share a booth space or days of display. However, shared booths must contain only qualifying and approved applicants and each participant must file a separate application.

2024 Booth Pricing

6' x 6' Booth Space (3 Days) - $185
10' x 10' Booth Space (3 Days) - $285  - SOLD OUT

Refundable Security Deposit - $85

The security deposit will be refunded after the Fair, provided that the organization adheres to all rules and regulations, as stipulated on - https://washtenawnonprofits.org/policies-rules/

All non-profits are responsible for assigning a person within their organization to oversee rules, share information, ensure duties are fulfilled, and staff booths. Failure to comply may result in forfeiture of the $85 security deposit.

There will be a mandatory meeting before the fair that a representative from each non-profit must attend. The date of this meeting will be communicated via email.


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