The Official Maxmodelist - Submit Your Completions

General rules for submitting completions of Max Modes on the list includes these parameters:

  • You must include VIDEO PROOF of your completion. Simply saying that you have completed a MM will NOT get your record accepted. We also prefer if that video recording is in 60fps, since it helps us determine your record's validity better.

  • You must submit your completion through this Google form. Alternatively, you may submit the completion directly to a List Mod in The Official Maxmodelist Discord Server, however we prefer you use the form.

  • Please include the DATE of the completion. If you are unable to do so, we will still allow your record, but will use the date of the YouTube upload instead. This is especially important when a new MM is released, since determining initial victors requires these specifications.

  • Any cheating or hacking methods are banned. This should be an obvious rule, but any splicing, speedhacks, godmode, etc. will disqualify your completion/progress. If you are caught doing anything suspicious in your recording/submission, you will gain 1 warning. If you do it again, you will be disqualified from participating in the list again, but your legitimate records will remain.

  • This form pertains to both the Main AND Unlimited lists. Your record will simply be added to the mode's respective page, even if that mode is not ranked on one of the lists (but ranked on the other).

  • PLEASE NOTE: If your mode is NOT in the top 150 of BOTH lists at the time of this submission, it will be disqualified. Additionally, if the mode you are submitting does not exist as an entry on the list, it will also be disqualified.

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What is your online YouTube name?  *
What is the name of the mode you are submitting? Please write the name of the mode, followed by the game it comes from, like this: "50/20 Deluxe No Death Coin - Ultimate Custom Night: Deluxe". PLEASE DO NOT submit modes that are NOT on the list, or your record will be disqualified. *
At the time of this submission, where is your mode placed on the Main List? If it's only on the Unlimited List, just put "N/A".
At the time of this submission, where is your mode placed on the Unlimited List?
What is the version number that you've played on for this recording? If it is NOT the most recent version, please type out the number in "Other" like: "1.0.3" or "v1.0.3". We prefer if you play on the MOST RECENT VERSION, or else we may disqualify your record, depending on the mode. *
Please put the link to the video containing your completion in the text box below. *
What was the date of your completion? It can also just be the upload date of the video if you don’t know the exact date. *
OPTIONAL: Where would you place this mode on the MAIN LIST (at the time of your completion)? It helps for us to know victors opinions on modes so that we can more accurately place modes in the future.
OPTIONAL: Where would you place this mode on the UNLIMITED LIST (at the time of your completion)? It helps for us to know victors opinions on modes so that we can more accurately place modes in the future.
How did you feel about this mode? Just a fun question, not required.
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