WonsultingAI Refund Request

If you cancel your WonsultingAI subscription within the first 7 days of signing up, you'll receive a 100% refund for the current month. Simply fill in this form and our support team at happy@wonsulting.com will get in touch with you to confirm your refunds. Cancellations beyond the 7th day will stop your subscription for the next month.

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What is your name? *
What is your email address ? (State the email you registered your WonsultingAI account with) *
What WonsultingAI features have you utilised? *
How would you rate ResumAI? *
How would you rate the Resume Scorer? *
How would you rate the CoverLetterAI? *
How would you rate the NetworkAI? *
How would you rate the AutoApplyAI? *
Why are you requesting for a refund? (Check all that apply)

What do you like about our tool?
How can we improve WonsultingAI for you? *
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