Finding Your Balance Quiz

Are you ready to discover how balanced your life truly is? The Finding Your Balance Quiz, a powerful tool designed to help you assess how well you’re nurturing the seven areas of wellness: Physical, Intellectual, Mental/Emotional, Social, Environmental, Spiritual, and Financial/Occupational. There are 8 sections,as Physical Wellness is divided into Fitness and Nutrition.

With this quiz, you’ll:

  • Identify your strengths and areas for growth.
  • Gain clarity on where to focus your energy.
Your answers will be Emailed to you.
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Physical Wellness: Fitness
Answer the questions as honestly as possible. At the end of each section add up your total score. Give yourself
5pts for Always
4pts for Frequently
3pts for Often
2pts for Seldom
1pt for Never

Record your total score for each section. You will Interpret your results at the end of the quiz.
Five days a week I participate in a minimum of 20 minutes of cardiovascular activity that gets me into my Target Heart Rate Zone.
Two or more days a week I participate in a variety of strength training exercises.
At least three days a week I perform flexibility enhancing stretches.
I maintain an healthy body composition.
Total your Score (Max 20) and Record it before clicking NEXT!
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