Filecoin Miner Testing Form
Sign up to help us with miner testing for the network launch.
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As a crypto-network miner, I am a(n):
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Please rate your familiarity with mining cryptocurrencies
No familiarity
Experienced Cryptocurrency Miner
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How much storage space do you plan to add to the Filecoin network as a miner?
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Do you currently own the hardware that you will use to mine Filecoin?
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Please indicate what types of storage hardware you intend to put on the network: (please select all that apply)
How would you characterize your Filecoin mining operation?
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Which option most accurately reflects your connectivity speed (in Mbps)?
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Do you currently mine any Bitcoin, Ethereum or other Cryptocurrencies? (please select all that apply)
What are your three most trusted sources for information about mining? (please select three)
Please select the country where you live:
Which of the following best describes your city or community?
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What is your primary language of business?
What are the questions you want answered about Filecoin before joining the network?
Do you want to be a beta tester?
How did you hear about Filecoin?
Your Company Name
What else should we know about you?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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