9th Grade Subject Selection- JCB Doral SHS
Honors and Advanced Placement are subject to approval  *Deadline February 19, 2021
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Email *
Full Name *
ID Number *
1. Please choose the English class that you will be taking during  9th grade. *
2. Please select the Math class that you will be taking in 9th grade. *
3. Please choose the Science class that you will be taking in 9th grade. *
4. Physical Education- Required *
5.Freshman Experience/ Dual Enrollment- Required *
6. Health Science Academy- Required for Medical Assistant Academy and Veterinary Academy *
7. Elective 1 *
8. Elective 2 *
9. Elective 3 *
10. Elective 4 *
Advanced Placement (AP) World History (Counselor Approval REQUIRED) *
Please select one of the following listed  below, if applicable. *
Select an Academy *
I have reviewed my selections carefully, and have discussed my selections with my parent(s)/guardian. Please note that your schedule may change due to academic status, FSA remediation, and/or final development of the school's master schedule. Also, I understand that all my submissions are final. *
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