Hi, please fill out this form if you'd like to request that 350PDX endorse a policy, sign on to letters or official comments, promote or co-sponsor an event, table at an event, and/or in other ways provide support or voice our position on an issue in our community.
If you are asking for support for an event, a member of staff will get back to you within 1 week of your request.
If you are asking for an endorsement, a member of staff will get back to you within 2 weeks of your request. We strive to be as inclusive as possible in our decision making, if your request touches upon several teams' work within our organization, or is an issue we haven't taken a stance on previously, it may take longer as we engage our organization at large.
If you have any questions about this form or our process, please email our Campaign Manager, Dineen O'Rourke, at
dineen@350pdx.org Thank you for your understanding.