Summer Volunteer Application 2024
This form is anyone who is interested in volunteering as staff at one or more of our camps.  Please also note you will need to get a Criminal Record Check (please find the link on our website).  The director of your camp will get in touch with you to discuss more details about your volunteer time at camp.
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Email *
Full Name *
Birthdate *
Mailing Address *
Phone Number *
Parents Names (if under 18) *
Religious Affiliation (if any) *
I am applying to be a volunteer at (check all that apply): *
I am applying to be a: *
Please tell us of the camps, with dates (years) at which you have been a: Camper, Junior Leader, Senior Leader, Counsellor, Director, First -Aid provider or Chaplain. *
Statement of Interests, qualifications and experience: Please briefly comment on the following activities- Worship/church activities / crafts / music / campfire programs / swimming (list qualifications) / canoeing / sailing / sports / hiking / first aid / outdoor activities / cooking / other *
List of other groups in which you have been a: member / leader / counselor / director / first aid provider / Chaplain *
What other experience or training have you had which could be helpful as a camp leader or counselor? *
Write about your reasons for wanting to be a counselor and the personal qualities you consider important in that position. *
References: List three persons who would provide you with a reference.  Name / Address / Occupation / Phone No. *
Do you agree to complete the criminal record check? Follow the directions listed here: 
(Please answer yes or no.)
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