Please complete one form per student. We do not offer sibling discounts.
TallyRobotics is launching a new program thanks to some funding we received last year. We are calling it TallyRobotics Prep. There are two levels, Discover (Pre-k 4 - 1st grade) and Explore (2nd-3rd grade).
Discover: Will introduce students to STEAM concepts using DUPLO sets. Groups will meet once per week for 45 minutes and will have some take home materials. At the end of the 10-week course, we will have a celebration event with the Explore level. Groups begin meeting the week of September 9th. This is NOT a drop-off program. An adult will accompany the student to this weekly meeting.
Explore: Will expose 2nd-3rd grade students to introductory robotics and the concept of working together in a team. The course will take 12 weeks beginning the week of August 26 and end before Thanksgiving with a celebration event. Students will assemble and code a Spike Essentials robot, develop a project using LEGO and a tri-fold board and prepare a short presentation. This is NOT a drop-off program. Each student must have an accompanying adult.
For both levels, the adults who commit to coming with their children will be instructed in leading the groups. TallyRobotics does not have the capacity to provide coaches/mentors for these groups but wants to provide the access. We will conduct Adult trainings on August 20 and August 23. Please indicate which one you will attend.
Registration Fees: $75 for each Discover student
$100 for each Explore student
Invoices will be sent when student assignments have been made and will be due before the first group meeting.
Location details to follow